
The frog is joking.

    Was in a perfect world since I' ve been stalked from a frog. It starts to speak with my ideas, and step by step divided my way of thinking in many sides. If it rains, it gave me warmth all around my body as if you are in an Hokkaido snowing spa. When the sun was high, it touched my skin and made me really slow, finishing to be cold in a sunny hot day. The balance of this frog gave me everything unreal. The front should have been the back, and the back the front. In my opinion, the frog still moking me as if I am living in a circus where anything is not as I saw before. Clouds and rain, with just one "cra", this frog drives me to my real opinion and not to the dark side of my way, that I watch when I am in silence. Rest in peace old Roberto, a new Roberto is just growing up from the plants of the river where a small green frog starts to sing his noise...as you did from the moment where you are reborn in a tear of a lullaby.

Roberto De Sanctis - All Rights Reserved

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